Some great indie books I've read recently:

The Sword and Sorcery series by Dylan Doose, the first is a bit rough and I haven't read the novellas but for the main titles in the series, I've read all but the most recent couple (only because I was getting genre fatigue and wanted to switch up what I was reading.) But for fans of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, grimdark tropes, and The Witcher, I think Doose did a great job.

The Needle and Leaf series (2 books so far) by Andrew D. Meredith. Great fantasy series in the vein of Lone Wolf and Cub or the Mandelorian (in that it's a father/son adventure) but with inspiration from Slavic mythology.

I'm about 30% through Children of Doro by substack local M L Clark, billed as Dostoevsky in space, and I'm really enjoying it. Told from the POV of an AI, and very philosophical.

Now, if I might shill my own (even though you gave permission I still feel weird haha) I have a scifi coming out July 18th, Pallas, retrofuture Wicker Man in space vibes. Psychedelic, claustrophobic, body horror. Info here: https://mechanicalpulp.substack.com/p/pallas-sample-chapter-and-pre-order

I'm always on the lookout for more indie books to read. Sometimes I grab them at random, but one of the big issues with indie books is the perception they haven't been "vetted", which is another reason posts like this are so vital. Thanks for sharing.

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What a lovely gesture. And congrats to all the people in this list. You all made a thing and put it out into the world. That's a beautiful thing.

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nice collection, and thank you for the descriptions with links.

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